Tuesday 11 September 2012

Target Audience Research : Survey

Surveys are seen has quick and easy to do; to get useful responses in a quick amount of time and it's inexpensive. It's important to justify what your aims are for the questionnaire and how the responses will benefit you and improve your research. Survey's can be in different forms from factual to opinion based ; from tick boxed to free text responses.However surveys do have some disadvantages;it lacks validity and your unable to tell if the participant is been truthful when answering the questions and the participant might read the question wrong and give an answer that is out of context.

In order for me to find out  who my target auidence are and what my target auidence already knows about domestic violence.I will be setting up a survey asking my potential target auidence what they already know about domestic violence,if they care about domestic violence and how it can make an impact in someones life. Through this i will be able to build up a storyline and know how i can grab the auidence attention. I will be doing an online survey research through  "survey monkey"  and then i will be able to analyse the result and reflect it on my script writing.

1 comment:

  1. Abigail, much more has to be considered when exploring how you made the decision on who your target audience is. Refer to the lesson on classification of audiences.

    Audience theories need to be applied.
